PSALM 119:71 (NIV) "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees"


Early on my counselor talked in our sessions about my need to replace bad habits (drinking and preparing to drink) with other productive things.  It was really mind boggling to me how much of my time was spent focused on my drinking habit.  As I continued with counseling and began decreasing the time I spent drinking , I began to find other things to do. I found cleaning out and reorganizing the garage and laundry room to be surprisingly satisfying.  I started reading all kinds of Christian books in the evening.  This was a helpful, even necessary, new habit for me.  Reading about others who have struggled with addiction and various types of suffering was a great blessing for me and helped me to continue to move towards abstinence. 

One new habit, however, was life changing. Some of the books I was reading talked about the importance of spending time in prayer and reading the Bible on a daily basis. I’m not by nature a morning person. Waking up early has always seemed ridiculous to me. My typical habit had generally been to sleep as late as possible and to allow only enough time to shower and grab a bite to eat before work. Previous attempts to begin a daily trend of reading the Bible and praying were short lived and half-hazard. But by the grace of God, I was compelled to radically change the start of my day. I began getting up at 5:30am to read the Bible and devotionals and spend time in prayer. This is something I would never have done on my own, but the Lord helped me to do it over and over again and tremendous blessings have come out of the morning time that I have devoted to Him.

I love reading old journal entries and seeing how the Lord was working in my life. This one speaks of the significance of my new morning routine and joy that was resulting…

Monday September 4th 2017
About a month ago I lost my August Stand Firm devotional.  About that same time I received an email and was led to “Practicing His Presence” booklet.  What a blessing this has been, today is 3 weeks that I’ve started my day with God using this booklet as guide to helping me read and understand scripture.  I’ve got a long way to go but this has been a great start to a new habit that I desperately needed.  In addition, I am now using the September copy of Stand Firm to supplement what I’m doing.  “Practicing His Presence” is a 4-week study, when I ordered it I also ordered “Knowing Christ” and I plan to move on to it when I finish.

Joy I again am feeling on this day even though XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I believe that is not what God wants me to do so I am going to wait, trust he is working and be patient letting him work. Praise GOD!

Friday, Saturday and last night I had urges to drink a lot or even a little over our agreed limit XXXXXXXXXX.  I’m guessing it’s because of the nice weather and the Holiday weekend.  I was able to overcome those urges and limit myself XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.  I’m finding as I’ve read that if I can wait out the urges or change my thinking the urge passes.  Also when I am drinking as I’ve told XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I feel like I’m NOT going to need more.  Progress I guess and I pray that God will continue to be with me as I work towards abstinence.  

Those weeks and months towards the end of 2017 I found myself alone most evenings. I felt very alone and didn’t know what to do with myself. God used my new habit, precious time with him, to reveal to me that He is enough and all I will ever need.

I’m so thankful for the truth that God is all that I need and He truly is ENOUGH!

RUNNING FOR the PRIZE (illustration)

In my last post I wrote about running for the prize (1 Corinthians 9:24-27), running towards eternity.  Francis Chan has a great illustration of this, please check it out:

OTHER BLOGG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

ENOUGH by Elias Dummer

I am not what I make; I am who you have made me to be
I am not what I’ve done; I am loved unconditionally
I am not loved by the measure of love that I bring
I am not who I know; I am known by the king of all kings

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me

You are maker made visible; holding the world in your hands
You are patient and merciful; giver of grace without end
Satisfied simply by being who you’ve always been
You are infinite love and you prove it again and again

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me

In you, I am created
In you, I am sustained
With you, I am resurrected
You overcame the grave

With you I stand in victory!
Now what else could I need?
With you I want for nothing
Jesus, my everything!

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me

Jesus, you are enough
Jesus, you are enough for me
With nothing; I still have everything
Jesus, you are enough for me


It is not Christ plus something else. Jesus is enough!

A W Tozer

Until next time I’m thankful for the scars, may God Bless You!



  1. Virginia Harshman

    As the holidays draw near and the new year approaches, just step back and look at how far you have come! Praise God!

    • kurtisbunfill

      Thank you – Praise God is right! He has been so very good to me.