We recently returned from a family vacation to Florida.  My parents took all of our family – there were 11 of us total.  In addition to my wife and I, my son and daughter (with boyfriend), sister, brother-in-law and 2 nephews were all able to make it.  We were blessed to be able to stay in a beautiful area at a beautiful condo and the Lord blessed us with beautiful weather, as well.  All the makings for a joyful, wonderful trip.  Instead I found myself down (depression?), again struggling with regrets about my past.  


One morning on vacation as I was working out and listening to music I noticed that nearly every song seemed to speak to me.  They were all about finding peace in Jesus.  As I was listening, I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me that I was depressed and urging me to battle, to fight.  I immediately became aware that when these feelings come on I tend to shut down and wallow in self-pity.  Opposite of what we are told to do:

Being told to battle awakened me and I’m so thankful for the message I received.  Despite knowing that I will continue to have temptations to shut down and feel sorry for myself I am reminded that I need to put on “God’s armor” and battle.  Ephesians 6:13 tells us to “use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy.”  I will remember the Lord’s truths and the Good News that gives us peace.  I will exercise my faith, use the sword of the Spirit (Word of God) and I will pray.  Pray without ceasing until I win the battle.


Before I can start these battles I need to “get out of the boat”.  Let me explain….

During vacation the college softball world series was often on in our cabana by the pool or while we were gathered in our condos.  The Oklahoma Sooners wound up winning it all, so we had the opportunity to watch them a few times.  I noticed their players making a rowing motion and screaming something into the dugout each time they got on base.  I had no idea what that was all about but when I returned home I saw video on Facebook where Jordy Bahl (freshman pitcher) explained it:

What a great message and visual for me!  I can attempt to battle in my own strength, that might work for the short term but it won’t win the battle.  To win the battle I need to get out of the boat (WHAT IS THE BOAT FOR YOU? SELF-PITTY? DEPRESSION??), put on the armor of God and fix my eyes on Jesus.  That’s the formula to win the battle.

OTHER BLOG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

I Believe It Now

Sidewalk Prophets

I couldn’t see it then, but I believe it now
Just a searching soul tired of reaching out
Stuck on the tracks, train bearing down
Screaming from my lungs, ” Who will save me now?”

As the reruns of the regrets, they replay inside my head
Got the devil on my shoulder, and he’s leaving me for dead
Whispers and lies have brought me here
Flooding my veins with doubt and fear

Oh, I
I could not see it then
Oh, I
I could not see

Oh, my God
I remember when I cried
Shook my fists up at the sky
I wondered why
You felt so far from me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

I couldn’t see it then, but I believe it now
Trying to hold my head up when the ground fell out
I felt all alone even in a crowd
Like a sinking stone dragging my heart down

And the weight of the sorrows I carried on my chest
It kept pulling me under, and I couldn’t catch my breath
Not how I thought my life would go
Didn’t know my heart could sink this low

No, I
I could not see it then
No, I
I could not see it

Oh, my God
I remember when I cried
Shook my fists up at the sky
I wondered why
You felt so far from me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

Love was standing there
Holding me
But I couldn’t see
That love was always there
He carried me
And now, I believe

Oh, my God
I know You heard me when I cried
‘Cause You were right there by my side
I realized
That You have never left me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

I couldn’t see it then (I could not see it)
But now I believe (now I believe)
I couldn’t see it then (I could not see it)
But now I believe (now I believe)
(I could not see, now I believe)
But now I believe

Now I believe
(I could not see, now I believe)
(I could not see, now I believe)


When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.

A.C. Dixon

Until next time I’m thankful for the Scars, may God Bless You!