PSALM 119:71 (NIV) "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees"

Tag: sidewalk prophets

Depression, Spiritual Warfare and Getting out of the Boat


We recently returned from a family vacation to Florida.  My parents took all of our family – there were 11 of us total.  In addition to my wife and I, my son and daughter (with boyfriend), sister, brother-in-law and 2 nephews were all able to make it.  We were blessed to be able to stay in a beautiful area at a beautiful condo and the Lord blessed us with beautiful weather, as well.  All the makings for a joyful, wonderful trip.  Instead I found myself down (depression?), again struggling with regrets about my past.  


One morning on vacation as I was working out and listening to music I noticed that nearly every song seemed to speak to me.  They were all about finding peace in Jesus.  As I was listening, I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me that I was depressed and urging me to battle, to fight.  I immediately became aware that when these feelings come on I tend to shut down and wallow in self-pity.  Opposite of what we are told to do:

Being told to battle awakened me and I’m so thankful for the message I received.  Despite knowing that I will continue to have temptations to shut down and feel sorry for myself I am reminded that I need to put on “God’s armor” and battle.  Ephesians 6:13 tells us to “use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy.”  I will remember the Lord’s truths and the Good News that gives us peace.  I will exercise my faith, use the sword of the Spirit (Word of God) and I will pray.  Pray without ceasing until I win the battle.


Before I can start these battles I need to “get out of the boat”.  Let me explain….

During vacation the college softball world series was often on in our cabana by the pool or while we were gathered in our condos.  The Oklahoma Sooners wound up winning it all, so we had the opportunity to watch them a few times.  I noticed their players making a rowing motion and screaming something into the dugout each time they got on base.  I had no idea what that was all about but when I returned home I saw video on Facebook where Jordy Bahl (freshman pitcher) explained it:

What a great message and visual for me!  I can attempt to battle in my own strength, that might work for the short term but it won’t win the battle.  To win the battle I need to get out of the boat (WHAT IS THE BOAT FOR YOU? SELF-PITTY? DEPRESSION??), put on the armor of God and fix my eyes on Jesus.  That’s the formula to win the battle.

OTHER BLOG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

I Believe It Now

Sidewalk Prophets

I couldn’t see it then, but I believe it now
Just a searching soul tired of reaching out
Stuck on the tracks, train bearing down
Screaming from my lungs, ” Who will save me now?”

As the reruns of the regrets, they replay inside my head
Got the devil on my shoulder, and he’s leaving me for dead
Whispers and lies have brought me here
Flooding my veins with doubt and fear

Oh, I
I could not see it then
Oh, I
I could not see

Oh, my God
I remember when I cried
Shook my fists up at the sky
I wondered why
You felt so far from me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

I couldn’t see it then, but I believe it now
Trying to hold my head up when the ground fell out
I felt all alone even in a crowd
Like a sinking stone dragging my heart down

And the weight of the sorrows I carried on my chest
It kept pulling me under, and I couldn’t catch my breath
Not how I thought my life would go
Didn’t know my heart could sink this low

No, I
I could not see it then
No, I
I could not see it

Oh, my God
I remember when I cried
Shook my fists up at the sky
I wondered why
You felt so far from me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

Love was standing there
Holding me
But I couldn’t see
That love was always there
He carried me
And now, I believe

Oh, my God
I know You heard me when I cried
‘Cause You were right there by my side
I realized
That You have never left me

Oh, God
It was in my deepest pain
That I heard You call my name
I heard You say
That You were right there with me

I couldn’t see it then (I could not see it)
But now I believe (now I believe)
I couldn’t see it then (I could not see it)
But now I believe (now I believe)
(I could not see, now I believe)
But now I believe

Now I believe
(I could not see, now I believe)
(I could not see, now I believe)


When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.

A.C. Dixon

Until next time I’m thankful for the Scars, may God Bless You!


Addiction and Time

The Value of our Time

As I celebrate 4 years of sobriety on September 27th, my 51st birthday, I find myself facing the lingering consequences of my addiction to alcohol.

I want to forget my addiction and its problems, want to completely move on from it. I wish I could act like it never happened. But as life moves on, I am faced with the bitter reality of lost time. I can’t help but compare how I spend my time today with how it was spent when I was controlled by my addiction. 

With my marriage in June of 2020, came three wonderful little boys. Being able to play a part in their lives is a blessing which I am truly thankful for. But as I spend time with them, I’m constantly reminded of what I was (or wasn’t) doing with my own precious kids (son 21 years old and daughter 18 years old) at various times in their childhood. The difference between sober, present parenting and my former parenting is obvious to me and it fills me with regret. 

This August both of my kids moved away to college. The physical move had been delayed for my oldest because of COVID, causing this transition to coincide with my second’s freshman year 9 hours from home. I know this can be a difficult time for any parent but it’s proven to be extra trying for me.  I value time with my children so much differently now than I did during my addicted years.  Spending a couple of hours eating wings with my son and watching football on a Sunday afternoon when he’s home from college is a great blessing.  My 6:00 pm weekly Sunday evening calls with my daughter is time I cherish. While missing my kids and wanting to spend time with them, I’m haunted by thoughts of times when addiction dominated my decisions and robbed me of invaluable moments with my kids.  We had many great times during their childhood but it is undeniable that many were lost. For those moments I’ve been beating myself up, unable to completely forgive myself. But I know that there is a place and a person in whom I can find freedom from my regret. 

Early on in my recovery, my addiction counselor sent me the following devotional: 

When you sin, God’s Spirit will convict you of your need to repent and change your ways. But until you get your glorified body in heaven, you’re always going to deal with sin. The apostle James wrote, “We all stumble in many ways.” But falling down isn’t what makes you a failure—it’s staying down! Get back up, dust yourself off, receive God’s grace, learn from the experience, and move on. The Bible says, “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Ro 8:1 NIV). God is not condemning you, so stop condemning yourself. A few decades ago, people used to wear a little badge with the letters GNFWMY. It meant, “God’s not finished with me yet.” And He’s not finished with you either…Solomon wrote, “There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins” (Ecc 7:20 NIV). And Paul added, “I am not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of me. So I keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize” (Php 3:12 CEV). So stop beating yourself up.

If God is not condemning me then what right do I have to continue to beat myself up over past sins?  God wasn’t finished with me when I was addicted, and he’s not finished with me (or you) yet.

I share this very personal struggle in the hope that it might help someone else.  Please know that addiction + parenting doesn’t work, addiction + anything doesn’t work. Addiction simply takes too much time.  Addiction blurs everything, especially selfishness.  Addiction causes us to care more about what we think we need than the needs of those closest to us.  Our children need and deserve our time.  If you are a parent struggling with addiction, my prayer is that the time you and your children are losing together will be revealed to you– you can’t get it back!  It’s possible today to make the decision to break free, everything is possible with the Lord. I praise him for making these 4+ years without alcohol possible and He is able to do that for you, too!

OTHER BLOG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

You Love Me Anyway

Song by Sidewalk Prophets

The question was raised
As my conscience fell
A silly little lie

It didn’t mean much
But it lingers still
In the corners of my mind

Still you call me to walk
On the edge of this world
To spread my dreams and fly

But the future’s so far
My heart is so frail
I think I’d rather stay inside

But You love me anyway
It’s like nothing in life
That I’ve ever known
Yes You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me
How you love me

It took more than my strength
To simply be still
To seek but never find

The reasons we change
The reasons I doubt
And Why do loved ones have to die?

But You love me anyway
It’s like nothing in life
That I’ve ever known
Yes You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me

I am the thorn in your crown
But You love me anyway
I am the sweat from Your brow
But You love me anyway
I am the nail in Your wrist
But You love me anyway
I am Judas’ kiss
But You love me anyway
See now I am the man who yelled out from the crowd
For Your blood to be spilled on this earth shaking ground
Yes then I turned away with a smile on my face
With this sin in my heart, tried to bury Your grace
And then alone in the night I still call out for You
So ashamed of my life, my life, my life

But You love me anyway
Oh God, how You love me
Yes You love me anyway
It’s like nothing in life
That I’ve ever known
Yes You love me anyway
Oh Lord, how You love me

You love me
You love me
You love me
You love me

How You love me
How You love me
How You love me


“The purpose of the darkness is not to punish or to afflict us.  It is to set us free.  It is a divine appointment, a privileged opportunity to draw close to the divine center.”

Richard foster

Until next time I’m thankful for the Scars, may God Bless You!



With recovery comes regret, shame, and pain. This process has caused me to face things that I have done and hurts that I have caused. They are things that I can’t take back or undo and I struggle with them often. It is possible that I always will…I don’t really know. 

I have many others struggles as well.  I think I’ve written in a previous post how much it frustrates me that I forget what the Lord has taught me and that He has to reteach me.  You might think that, after all the pain and regret alcohol has caused me, I would never consider drinking again.  I have days like that, but I also have days when I think it wouldn’t hurt to have a beer or a glass of wine.  There are other days when I think about drinking a lot more than that, turning to alcohol instead of turning to the Lord when I’m facing difficult circumstances.

I am reminded of two little phrases that help me with these battles, the relearning.

“Constant Redirection”

“Holy Discontentment”

Life for me has become a series of “Constant Redirection”.  As I’m tempted or tested, I have to constantly redirect my thoughts and attitudes toward Jesus.  That means reminding myself of the promises we have in scripture, that means prayer instead of worry and anxiety.  I’m re-learning things every day, I’ve got a long way to go.  To borrow a phrase from the world of sports, I’m trying to “trust the process,” the process of coming to know Jesus better on a daily basis.

“Holy Discontentment” is a phrase I heard from Matt Chandler. Although I can’t explain it the way he can, to me it means simply the idea of not being satisfied with what I know about Jesus.  It’s always wanting more of Him, to know Him more, to know Him better.   If you’re interested, here’s a good YouTube video where he touches on it:


God is bigger than everything that comes my way in this world.  I read the following devotion exactly one year after I committed to quit drinking, and it expresses this truth.

September 26th (2018)

True faith lives on the basis of two unshakable realities—that God really does exist and that he always rewards those who seek him.

Grace has positioned me on two foundation stones that have redefined my identity, redirected my purpose, reshaped my desires, rescued my thoughts, and reformed my living.  I have new reason to get up in the morning and face my day with courage, hope, joy, confidence, and rest.  Your grace has changed everything, for it has made me sure that you exist and that you reward those who seek you (Heb. 11:6).

There’s a line from a song by Elias Dummer that I love, he says: “With nothing, I still have everything Jesus, you are enough for me”.  A Bible verse I’ve been praying lately is Zephaniah 3:17 where it is written: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save…..”.

He is enough. Thankfully He has been, He is and He always will be in my midst. He has saved me from addiction, He has saved me from myself.

In my darkest days, He has provided me with the courage, hope, joy, confidence and rest that was needed to fight through the darkness.  Without a doubt His grace has reshaped my desires, rescued my thoughts and reformed my living.  I mentioned in a previous entry how when I was drinking I often “planned” my drinking for the evenings or weekends, when and how I would drink as much as possible without appearing to have a problem.  Thankfully that way of living is gone.  My living continues to be reformed and by faith I intend to seek him daily.  He truly does reward those who seek Him, I’ve experienced those rewards in so many ways.

OTHER BLOG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

Keep Making Me

Sidewalk Prophets

Make me broken
So I can be healed
‘Cause I’m so calloused
And now I can’t feel
I want to run to You
With heart wide open
Make me broken

Make me empty
So I can be filled
‘Cause I’m still holding
Onto my will
And I’m completed
When you are with me
Make me empty

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making me

Make me lonely
So I can be yours
‘Til I want no one
More than You, lord
‘Cause in the darkness
I know you will hold me
Make me lonely

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making me

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making
I know you keep making
Lord, please keep making me


Most of the grand truths of God have to be learned by trouble; they must be burned into us with the hot iron of affliction, otherwise we shall not truly receive them.

Charles Spurgeon

Until next time I’m thankful for the Scars, may God Bless You!