PSALM 119:71 (NIV) "It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees"

Tag: matt chandler


With recovery comes regret, shame, and pain. This process has caused me to face things that I have done and hurts that I have caused. They are things that I can’t take back or undo and I struggle with them often. It is possible that I always will…I don’t really know. 

I have many others struggles as well.  I think I’ve written in a previous post how much it frustrates me that I forget what the Lord has taught me and that He has to reteach me.  You might think that, after all the pain and regret alcohol has caused me, I would never consider drinking again.  I have days like that, but I also have days when I think it wouldn’t hurt to have a beer or a glass of wine.  There are other days when I think about drinking a lot more than that, turning to alcohol instead of turning to the Lord when I’m facing difficult circumstances.

I am reminded of two little phrases that help me with these battles, the relearning.

“Constant Redirection”

“Holy Discontentment”

Life for me has become a series of “Constant Redirection”.  As I’m tempted or tested, I have to constantly redirect my thoughts and attitudes toward Jesus.  That means reminding myself of the promises we have in scripture, that means prayer instead of worry and anxiety.  I’m re-learning things every day, I’ve got a long way to go.  To borrow a phrase from the world of sports, I’m trying to “trust the process,” the process of coming to know Jesus better on a daily basis.

“Holy Discontentment” is a phrase I heard from Matt Chandler. Although I can’t explain it the way he can, to me it means simply the idea of not being satisfied with what I know about Jesus.  It’s always wanting more of Him, to know Him more, to know Him better.   If you’re interested, here’s a good YouTube video where he touches on it:


God is bigger than everything that comes my way in this world.  I read the following devotion exactly one year after I committed to quit drinking, and it expresses this truth.

September 26th (2018)

True faith lives on the basis of two unshakable realities—that God really does exist and that he always rewards those who seek him.

Grace has positioned me on two foundation stones that have redefined my identity, redirected my purpose, reshaped my desires, rescued my thoughts, and reformed my living.  I have new reason to get up in the morning and face my day with courage, hope, joy, confidence, and rest.  Your grace has changed everything, for it has made me sure that you exist and that you reward those who seek you (Heb. 11:6).

There’s a line from a song by Elias Dummer that I love, he says: “With nothing, I still have everything Jesus, you are enough for me”.  A Bible verse I’ve been praying lately is Zephaniah 3:17 where it is written: “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save…..”.

He is enough. Thankfully He has been, He is and He always will be in my midst. He has saved me from addiction, He has saved me from myself.

In my darkest days, He has provided me with the courage, hope, joy, confidence and rest that was needed to fight through the darkness.  Without a doubt His grace has reshaped my desires, rescued my thoughts and reformed my living.  I mentioned in a previous entry how when I was drinking I often “planned” my drinking for the evenings or weekends, when and how I would drink as much as possible without appearing to have a problem.  Thankfully that way of living is gone.  My living continues to be reformed and by faith I intend to seek him daily.  He truly does reward those who seek Him, I’ve experienced those rewards in so many ways.

OTHER BLOG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

Keep Making Me

Sidewalk Prophets

Make me broken
So I can be healed
‘Cause I’m so calloused
And now I can’t feel
I want to run to You
With heart wide open
Make me broken

Make me empty
So I can be filled
‘Cause I’m still holding
Onto my will
And I’m completed
When you are with me
Make me empty

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making me

Make me lonely
So I can be yours
‘Til I want no one
More than You, lord
‘Cause in the darkness
I know you will hold me
Make me lonely

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making me

‘Til you are my one desire
‘Til you are my one true love
‘Til you are my breath, my everything
Lord, please keep making
I know you keep making
Lord, please keep making me


Most of the grand truths of God have to be learned by trouble; they must be burned into us with the hot iron of affliction, otherwise we shall not truly receive them.

Charles Spurgeon

Until next time I’m thankful for the Scars, may God Bless You!



By no means am I content in all circumstances but I am learning. 

I recently finished a Matt Chandler study on Philippians: “Philippians: To Live is Christ, To Die is Gain”.   It is a 12 session study with the last session titled “True Contentment”.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the journal entries I’m sharing touch on the contentment that I was beginning to experience in my circumstances:

Tuesday September 19th 2017

It’s been a while since I’ve written in my journal.  A few random updates, I have continued to be successful reducing my drinking and staying within my limits.  I am down to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX and rather than doing that for 2 weeks my plan is for 1 week and as of tomorrow dropping to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX with the goal of quitting on my birthday 09/27.  I feel as good about this as I think I ever will.  I realize there will still be battles, urges and triggers but I feel like I’m prepared to deal with them.  I listened to a sermon recently about addiction and the pastor’s main point was any addiction can’t be beaten without a change in the heart related to your relationship with God.  I believe that change is occurring within me. 

Rend Collective’s We Are More than Conquerors has been a song I’ve listened to alot lately and I made the connection with Romans 8:37 (which I’m trying to memorize).

I’m finding contentment with where I’m at and I know that’s only coming from God.  

I praise God for his unfailing love and for providing everything I’ve needed to heal and get me to the point where I’m ready to quit drinking.
Wednesday September 20th 2017

Listened to a Timothy Keller sermon on my way to counseling today – “Removing idles of the Heart”.  He talked about the difference between Self-Pity & Repentance.  Self-Pity is thinking about the consequence of sin, how it’s messed up your life – you hate the consequence of sin.  Self-Pity leads to continuing to love the sin, so it still has power over you but hating yourself for being so stupid.  True Repentance is saying what has this sin done to God, who sent his son to die for me.  Taking your sin to the cross, when you see what effect it’s had on the loving God it melts you and you begin to hate the sin.  It begins to lose its attractive power over you.  Instead of hating yourself you hate the sin, the idol bit by bit begins to get crushed.
I shared this with XXXXXX today, when I first started coming to see XXXXX I hated the consequence of my sin.  I still wanted to drink and thought I needed to drink.  Over the last several weeks/months God has helped me to start my day with scripture for over 30 days straight and that among other things have begun to change my heart.  I am overwhelmed with how much God loves me and has done and is doing for me.  For the first time I truly believe I can quit drinking and I am actually excited about the thought of it.  It’s like a burden that will be lifted.  I have gone from hating the consequence of my sin/addiction to hating the sin itself and for that I say PRAISE THE LORD!!!

As I’m writing this morning, Josh Baldwin’s “Let the Redeemed” is playing and I am struck by these lyrics (full lyrics below):

“There is joy in the morning

Springing up in my soul

There is life worth living

‘Cause He calls me His own

And there’s a hallelujah

After sweet victory”

That sums up very nicely what I’m feeling related to contentment.  My contentment comes from knowing that He – Jesus calls me His own.  There is victory over whatever comes our way if we are His. We know that whatever happens here in this life will end in eternity with Him.  

I don’t want to suggest that I live a life of constant contentment, those who know me best certainly know that isn’t true.  In the Philippians study, Matt Chandler talks about the need to practice the things that we read in scripture, including being thankful in every circumstance. It’s not natural for me to be content (let alone thankful) when things aren’t going my way, but it’s something that is getting easier as I practice and learn to take it all to the Lord.

And so…as I’ve been thinking about this, I have begun to consider other personal struggles that present the opportunity for me to “practice” what scripture calls me to do so that I might be obedient. In addition to being content, being thankful in all circumstances, praying for and loving my enemies, praying without ceasing, and not being anxious about anything are commands that the Lord has given us.

The consequence of my addiction and sin have dramatically altered my life. Some of these consequences have been and are still very painful, but in some way that I can’t really explain He has provided what I have needed when I have needed it. I know this is His grace and that’s the only way I have found this contentment.


I’m a Chicago Bears fan, so the football playoffs are disappointing to watch since they aren’t participating (I realize that I’ve been writing about being content LOL). However, I’ve been struck by how many of these high profile players are actively professing a faith in Christ: Drew Brees, Ryan Tannehill, Derrick Henry, Russell Wilson and Kirk Cousins to name a few.  I’ve been especially impressed by Kirk Cousin’s story, well worth the 5+ minutes when you have time:

OTHER BLOGG STUFF – Songs and Quotes…

LET THE REDEEMED by Josh Baldwin

He led me out of the desert
Brought me into His streams
River of living water
Turned my bitter into sweet
And all my burdens are lifted
You took the shackles off my feet

There’s no sound louder than a captive set free

So let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Sing of His promises ever more
Pour out your thankfulness, let it overflow
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so

There is joy in the morning
Springing up in my soul
There is life worth living
‘Cause He calls me His own
And there’s a hallelujah
After sweet victory

And there’s no sound louder than a captive set free
No’ there’s no sound louder than a captive set free

So let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Sing of His promises ever more
Pour out your thankfulness’ let it overflow
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so

You are my Deliverer
The freedom I’m livin’ in
You are my Deliverer
You are my promised land
Oh’ You are my Deliverer
The freedom I’m livin’ in
God, You are my Deliverer
You are my promised land

So let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Sing of His promises ever more
Pour out your thankfulness, let it overflow
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
Pour out your thankfulness’ let it overflow
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so

I’ll never be alone anymore
How could my voice be quiet?
You are my Deliverer
You are my Deliverer


For pride is spiritual cancer; it eats up the very possibility of love, contentment, or even common sense.

C.S. Lewis

Until next time I’m thankful for the scars, may God Bless You!